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The Story Behind The Water Bearing Sign – Aquarius

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In a year, there are 12 zodiac signs. You either belong to one of them or the other, depending on your date of birth. The zodiac signs are represented by constellations in the night sky established in ancient times. They were originally cataloged in the 2nd century AD using the names we use today. During that historical period, Ptolemy named and perhaps even invented all of the star signs that make up the zodiac family.  The Greco-Roman astronomers frequently employed the tales of Babylonia and Mesopotamia. The mythology of the ancient world is magnificent tales of gods and immortals.

Today, we’ll look at the story around the constellation Aquarius. Aquarius is a constellation in the Zodiac, which the Sun passes through once a year. Although much of the northern hemisphere may see the Water-bearer in the spring, it is best observed in the fall in the southern sky. Aquarius is a constellation that has been around for a long time. 

Aquarius History and mythology

1. History of Aquarius

The zodiac sign Aquarius does not align with the constellation Gemini. It is situated between Capricorn and Pisces in the Zodiac, occupying the eleventh 30 degrees of the zodiacal circle. Aquarius is a fixed sign that appears after Capricorn’s winter has begun. It symbolizes the steady, snowy, and frigid period of winter before spring arrives. This constellation’s name means “water-carrier” or “cup-carrier” in Latin, and it is one of the Zodiac’s earliest known constellations. 

It was first recorded by Ptolemy in the 2nd century AD, but it was previously known in Babylonian star catalogs as “The Great One.” It symbolized the god Ea, the lord of the southernmost quarter of the Sun’s path, to the ancient Babylonians. Ea was connected with devastating floods and was shown carrying an overflowing vase. Aquarius was connected with the yearly Nile flood in Ancient Egypt, and the Nile’s banks were supposed to flood when Aquarius threw his jar into the river at the start of spring. The Greeks viewed the constellation as a simple vase spilling water. Aquarius contains no specially brilliant stars, yet it is located in the region known as “the sea” due to the high number of constellations with names related to water, such as Cetus (whale), Pisces (fish), and Eridanus (dragon) (river). 

Story of Aquarius

2. Mythology of Aquarius

This is the eleventh zodiac sign, and it has traditionally accepted with the element of water. The Babylonians viewed the constellation as an overflowing urn, which they connected with the torrential rains that occurred in their eleventh month. In contrast, the Egyptians saw it as Hapi, the Nile’s deity.

In any event, when Ganymede arrived, he meth the fury of Hera, Zeus’s wife. She was irritated for two reasons: first, that her husband had such strong affections for a young child, and second, that Ganymede was to take over the role previously held by her daughter Hebe, goddess of youth. But Zeus remained unafraid, and Ganymede, riding on Aquila and always carrying the golden cup, joined the big god on his journeys, impressing him with his compassion. This was demonstrated when, upon seeing how desperate the inhabitants of Earth were for water, he begged with Zeus to allow him to assist them and was granted permission to pour down rain. He was eventually renamed Aquarius, the deity of rain, and put among the stars. 

Story of Aquarius

Facts, location, and map  

Aquarius is the tenth biggest constellation in the sky, with a 980 square degree size. It’s one of the 15 constellations that visible from the equator. You can see in latitudes ranging from +65° to -90° in the southern hemisphere’s fourth quarter (SQ4). Aquila, Capricornus, Cetus, Delphinus, Equuleus, Pegasus, Pisces, Piscis Austrinus, and Sculptor are the constellations that are close by. 

There are two stars brighter than magnitude 3.00 in Aquarius and seven stars within 10 parsecs (32.6 light-years) of Earth. Beta Aquarii, commonly known as Sadalsuud, is the brightest star in the constellation, with an apparent magnitude of 2.87. At a distance of 11.27 light-years from Earth, the closest star is EZ Aquarii, a triple star system comprised of three M-type dwarfs. There are 11 named stars in this constellation. Albali, Ancha, Bosnia, Bunda, Lionrock, Márohu, Sadachbia, Sadalmelik, Sadalsuud, Situla, and Skat are among the star names approved by the International Astronomical Union (IAU). 

There are a lot of stars in Aquarius with known exoplanets. HD 210277 (G0V), HD 212771 (G8IV), HD 222582 (G5), HD 220689 (G3V), HD 215152 (K0, two planets), HD 206610 (K0III), Psi-1 Aquarii (91 Aquarii, spectral class K0III), WASP-69 (K5), WASP-70 A (G4), WASP-75 (F9), Gliese 849 (M3.5, two planets) (G8). Aquarius, along with 11 other constellations, is part of the Zodiac family. Messier 2 (NGC 7089), Messier 72 (NGC 6981), and Messier 73 (NGC 6983) are the three messier objects found in Aquarius (NGC 6994). Aquariid meteor showers include the Eta Aquariids, Delta Aquariids, and Iota Aquariids.   

Aquarius constellation map, by IAU and Sky & Telescope magazine

The Connection Between the Aquarius Myth and the Aquarius Zodiac Sign 

In a manner, Aquarius represents the gods’ mercy. This individual might be attractive or exceptional in any other manner, enough to be encouraged by nature or her superiors, much as Deities noticed Ganymede due to his beauty. This is a narrative about one’s divinity, the ability to perceive things from “above,” to grasp for the sky in whatever manner imaginable and to communicate a heavenly message to simple mortals. In a practical sense, this sign denotes someone who will have no trouble finding a decent career and working in the highest echelons of human society. 

The person’s beauty does not have to be physical; it can also come through a particular gift or exceptional aptitude. We can imagine a young person who feels compelled to break away from a prominent parent and pursue a profession on their own. We can also see the possibility for bisexual and gay inclinations in Aquarius and the potential advantages they may provide. 

The myth’s bad side is that Ganymede replaces Hebe, which might appear as someone attractive, stealing someone else’s rightful place at work or even in a family. In an extreme situation, Ganymede’s kidnapping indicates a means for a person to fly “to the sky” and can allude to the risks of air travel, paragliding, parachute jumping, and so on. Aquarius dwells as a young man pouring water into the mouth of a fish, which represents Pisces, the zodiac sign that comes after Aquarius on the calendar. When looking at the stars lined up, it appears as if someone is pouring something from a jug. If you want to witness it for yourself, concentrate on the southern hemisphere’s fourth quadrant. 

The Story of Aquarius myth 

The narrative of Ganymede, a youthful prince and allegedly the most handsome young man in Troy, rests in the Aquarius myth. One day Ganymede was off tending to his father’s sheep in a grassy region on Mount Ida when he Zeus discovered him (Greek mythology).   

It was common in ancient Greece for an older man to take a “young lad” (aged 12 to 19) as a lover. In Ganymede’s instance, he was presumably around 15 or so when the significantly older Zeus found him irresistibly handsome and decided that he wanted him for himself.    

Zeus flew down from Mount Olympus to Mount Ida, transforming himself into a huge eagle. He snatched Ganymede from the ground with his claws and brought him back to Mount Olympus to serve as his youthful lover. 

Normally, in these kinds of partnerships, the older guy serves as a mentor to the younger, but this was Zeus, and he got pretty much everything he wanted. As a result, Zeus chooses Ganymede to be his cupbearer, giving him beverages anytime he wants. Because Ganymede is now basically Zeus’ slave, Zeus promises Ganymede’s father a herd of the best horses in the area in exchange for his son’s abduction. 

This seemed to satisfy the father, but it’s unlikely that he had much said in the situation in the first place. Ganymede finally has had enough and pours out all of the gods’ wine, ambrosia, and water, refusing to serve as Zeus’ cupbearer any longer. According to mythology, all of the water dropped to Earth, creating inundating rains that lasted for days, resulting in a huge deluge that drowned the whole planet. 

At first, Zeus intends to punish Ganymede, but in a rare moment of self-reflection, Zeus realizes that he has been cruel to the kid, so he immortalizes him as the Aquarius myth’s constellation. 

The story of Aquarius

Famous Myth of Aquarius  

Ganymede was a handsome young man from the golden age of Greece. His beauty drew the notice of King Zeus. He kidnapped Ganymede and replaced him as his cupbearer with Hebe. Hebe begged Hera, the Queen of the Gods, for mercy. Ganymede was flung into the stars after a continuous fight between the two supreme lords. And Zeus immortalized the lovely lad. According to the Greeks, he was the first mortal to achieve immortality.  

Between Olympus (the domain of the gods and goddesses) and the Earth is Ganymede or Pisces. He was the first mortal to know what was going on in the skies and to tell the rest of the world about it. He served as a conduit between the gods and the people. Ganymede was also the star that taught the locals about the water cycle.   

Aquarius Story

True Characteristics of Aquarius 

Aquarius is a sign that is born to be self-sufficient and distinctive. They are timid and reserved. They are, nevertheless, the most effective pacifiers and moderators. Aquarius are capable of resolving a problem without causing harm to others. They come up with unique ideas and approaches since they spend much of their time alone. Their views are mostly focused on human development. The Aquarius star is used to direct ships, and people born under this sign are also leaders and guides. They pave their road to success. This star is incredibly brilliant and may be seen through the fog, according to science. Similarly, persons born under this sign are extremely clear about their goals and plans for the future. 

The Birth Story of Aquarius

Aquarius occupies the 11th 30 degrees of the traditional zodiac circle, sandwiched between Capricorn and Pisces. This is a recurring indication that appears following the winter and the start of the harvest season. It’s a sign of a fresh start. It’s a brilliant constellation in the sky that’s been given a Latin name. It simply means “cupbearer” or “water carrier.” This air element zodiac sign is said to be able to support the weight of water to quench the Earth’s hunger. The star Pisces was once thought to be the Babylonian God Ea, holding an overflowing pitcher, which symbolized devastating floods. The Egyptian deity Aquarius, according to legend, dips his jar into the river at the start of spring to bring wealth to Egypt’s Nile. The Greeks thought it was a simple vase pouring water towards the Earth. 

What is the story of Aquarius

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What is the myth of Aquarius?

Aquarius was the little child abducted by Zeus in Greek mythology. Zeus dispatched Aquila, his eagle, to kidnap Ganymede from the fields where he was tending to his sheep. Ganymede would become the Olympian gods’ cupbearer. The constellation Crater is frequently mistaken for Ganymede’s cup. 

Q. What is the origin of Aquarius?

Aquarius is a Zodiac constellation and one of the earliest known constellations. Ptolemy, a Greek astronomer, first documented Aquarius in the second century. Its Latin name means “cup carrier” or “water bearer.” 

Q. What is the Aquarius Greek god?

Aquarius is frequently connected with Deucalion, the son of Prometheus, who, with his wife Pyrrha, constructed a ship to withstand an impending deluge in Greek mythology. They had been sailing for nine days when they came ashore on Mount Parnassus. Aquarius is also associated with handsome Ganymede, the son of Trojan king Tros, transported to Mount Olympus by Zeus to serve as the gods’ cupbearer. 

Q. Is Zeus A Aquarius?

When Zeus had had enough of Ganymedes, he sent him to the skies, forming the constellation Aquarius. The eagle that Zeus impersonated was given its constellation, Aquila. Even Ganymede’s cup, which he used as a cupbearer, is represented by the star sign Crater. So, no, Zeus is not an Aquarius. 

Q. How many stars are in the Aquarius constellation?

With 45 stars, the constellation has the most stars of any Chinese constellation, the bulk of which are in modern Aquarius. 

Q. How did Aquarius get its name?

Aquarius’ name comes from the Latin word Aquarius, which means “water-bearer” or “cupbearer,” and its Latin sign similarly means “water.” Ptolemy, a Greek astronomer, was the first to classify Aquarius in the 19th century. This one-of-a-kind constellation is the tenth biggest and also symbolizes a zodiac sign. 

Vanshika Bhambhry
Vanshika Bhambhry
I'm a 20-year-old from New Delhi, I'm currently pursuing my bachelor of Journalism and Mass Communication, I am a very social person, I like to write and observe people around for prompts. Writing is my catharsis, it provides me a space where I can be myself, with no fear of judgments!


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